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CFP: "Migration and large-scale settlement in modern European history" (deadline 1° settembre 2019)

|   CFP

La Technical University di Dresda ospiterà, nei giorni 1-2-3 aprile 2020, un convegno internazionale dal titolo "Migration and large-scale settlement in modern European history. State-building, ethnic conflict and the economy in the 19th and 20th Century".

L'iniziativa, a partire da un approccio multidisciplinare nel campo delle scienze umane e sociali, intende affrontare, dal livello locale a quello globale, il tema delle migrazioni nel contesto di trasformazioni economiche, cambiamenti di assetto politico, conflitti etnici. L'arco cronologico di riferimento è quello compreso tra i secoli XIX e XX.

 In particolare, i temi oggetto di interesse sono: 

  • Managing perceived over or underpopulation in areas of crucial economic or strategic importance
  • Strengthening or developing industrial and agrarian economies through (forced) migration and settlement
  • Migration and settlement programmes in the context of land reforms and the reorganization of property as a means to solve economic, social, or ethnic “questions”
  • Settlement schemes as a tool of “inner colonization” and empirebuilding as well as decolonization
  • Circulation of ideas and practices from colonial oversea territories to Europe and/or from warfarecontexts to peacetime
  • Knowledge exchange and knowledge transfer between various lobby groups, economists, scientists, the military and politics
  • Channelling streams of migration, be it ruralurban migration or mass migration as a consequence of wars, ethnic conflicts, shifting borders or economic crises
  • Soldier settlement schemes and other staterun practices aimed at securing borderlands/erecting buffer zones against the migration of people and ideologies
  • Population transfer and ethnic cleansing.

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