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Research meeting "Sites and Intersections of Labour Im/Mobility" (online, 24-25 giugno 2021)

|   Gruppi di Lavoro SISLav

Si terrà online l'incontro di ricerca organizzato congiuntamente dal gruppo di lavoro SISLav 'Lavoro libero e non libero', il Cost Action project 'Worck' e il Centro avanzato di Studi 'MOHU' del DISSGeA dell'Università di Padova.

Il research meeting ha come obiettivo quello di far confrontare i ricercatori del centro di studi avanzati MOHU, del Cost action project WORCK e dei membri del gruppo SISLav Free and Unfree Labour sulla im-mobilità del lavoro. L'incontro ha anche come obiettivo quello di espandere il network e per questo saranno organizzati non solo panel ma anche tavole rotonde di discussione di temi specifici e progetti di ricerca.

Il programma dettagliato si trova in allegato.

Link per la connessione: 

24 giugno: Zoom Meeting,

25 giugno: Zoom Meeting: 



24 giugno 2021


Welcome address by WORCK, SISLav, MOHU

Introduction by Claudia Bernardi and Giulia Bonazza 14:30-16:30

Roundtable I: Sites and Intersections of Labour Im/Mobility Contributions

by Amal Shahid and Müge Telci Özbek


16:30-16:45 coffee/tea break



Session 1 – Im/mobility and the Law

  • Andrea Zappia, Jewish Immigration and Local Guilds in 17th Century Genoa: A New Perspective Between Rights and Labour
  • Marjorie Carvalho de Souza, (Im)Mobilizing Freedom Through Contracts: Free and Freed Workers Fairly Binded and Contracted in 19th Century Rio De Janeiro (1830-1888)
  • Matilde Flamigni, Freedom and (Im)Mobility, Urban Slavery and Abolition in the Trans-Imperial Caribbean Space, 19th Century

Discussants Federica Morelli, Nico Pizzolato


25 giugno 2021


Session 2 – Im/Mobility at the Crossroad of Coercion and Autonomy

  • Tommaso Vidal, Stuck Between Agency and Coercion: Peasant Labour in A Fixed-Rent System (Friuli, 14th -15th Century)
  • Cosimo Pantaleoni, Immobilization of the Workforce and Escapes on the Venetian Galleys: the Role of Debts in The Late 16th and Early 17th Century
  • Martino Sacchi Landriani, Freedom of Movement and Free Labour: the Workers‘ Booklet in 19th  Century France
  • Göran Rydén, Coercion From a Distance: Bookkeeping and Supervising People on the Move in Swedish Iron Making in the 18th Century

Discussants Christian de Vito, Andrea Caracausi


12.30-13:30 lunch break



Session 3 – How Polities Shap(ed) Coercion and Im/mobility

  • Marcelline Sanayi, Working the Salterns: Convict Workers in the Natural Salt Pans of Hambantota in British Colonial Sri Lanka
  • Maria Adamopolous, Always read the small print! Blurry coercions involved in the recruitment of the Greek Gastarbeiter in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1960s
  • Susana Vilas-Boas, Catarina Sales Oliveira, Joana Marques, Luisa Veloso, New forms of coercion of posted workers in civil construction

Discussants Marco Bertilorenzi, Biljana Stojić


15:30-15:45 coffee/tea break



Roundtable II: Practices of Im/Mobilization

  • Benoit Marechaux, (Im)Mobilization of Workers, Agency and Rights: the Case of the Convicts Employed by the Genoese Galley Entrepreneurs (1540-1700)
  • Ferruccio Ricciardi, Free Movement Versus Free Work? Ambiguities and Uncertainties About the Mobility of Native Workers in a Palm Oil Concession in French Congo (1910-1940)
  • Milica Prokic, “We Build Goli Otok, Goli Otok Builds Us”: Immobile Humans, Mobile Stone and Forced Labour in Yugoslav Political Prisons
  • Giulia Arrighetti and Fiorella Longobardi, Work, Illness and Coercion: an Ethnographic Study

