Dettaglio notizia

PhD and MA Scholarships in Comparative History (deadline 1 febbraio)

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Si segnala che, sul sito del Dipartimento di Storia della Central European University di Budapest sono aperte alcune application per Master o Phd, in una pluralità di ambiti di ricerca differenti.

Come si legge nel bando, "The Departement of History at Central European University (CEU), a flagship of the global struggle for academic freedom, offers students interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives on history from the late medieval period to the present. It is recognized for its innovative approaches to research and teaching and as a center for outstanding research advancing comparative and transnational history on empirical and theoretical grounds. Our international faculty (currently representing 16 countries) offers expertise that extends from early modern history to the comparative study of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, as well as the post-communist period; from numerous aspects of social, cultural and intellectual history to comparative religious, visual and archival studies".

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