Riceviamo e con piacere pubblichiamo la notizia della nascita in Grecia di una rete di storia del lavoro e del movimento operaio, sorta ad Atene alla fine del 2014 con lo scopo di favorire la comunicazione tra gli studiosi del settore.
Per maggiori informazioni rivolgersi a Kostas Paloukis (dottorando presso l'Università di Creta) e Georgia Doukouri (dottoranda presso la Panteion University).
Greek Labour and Labour Movement History Network
In the end of 2014, in Athens, the Greek Labour and Labour Movement History Network was created by about twenty historians. The impetus for creating the network was given by the realization that, while there is a significant number of labour history studies conducted in Greece these last years by young researchers, the communication between the historians studying labour and labour movement is insufficient.
The main objectives of the network are the promotion of communication and discussion between the researchers, the coordination of activities, the communication with colleagues from other countries and with the European Labour History Network, the cooperation for accomplishing research projects.
Our network’s agenda for the next period of time includes the following:
- Compilation of a bibliography of Greek labour history studies and in particular of Phd and Msc theses
- Recording of the available archives
- Discussion of the current international developments in the field of labour history
- Presentation of research in progress and of new researchers’ work in seminar meetings
- Organization of a conference
The coordinators of the network for 2015 are Kostas Paloukis (Phd candidate at the University of Crete, paloukis@gmail.com) and Georgia Doukouri (Phd candidate at the Panteion University, gdoukouri@gmail.com). Responsible for the communication with European Labour History Network is Leda Papastefanaki (assistant professor at the University of Ioannina and member of the ELHN provisional coordination committee, lpapast@uoi.gr).
The network will be represented in the creation of the Global Labour History Network (Barcelona, June 2015) by Nikos Potamianos (Dr of history, University of Crete, nikospotam@yahoo.com).
A mailing list has been created on the purpose of information and discussion: